Buyers is proud to introduce SaltDogg Anti-Ice Systems. This standard line is stocked and readily available for quick delivery at an industry-leading value.
A popular tool in the municipal realm for years, brine-based anti-icing recently gained traction with commercial contractors because it can save time and money. Pre-treating a surface with brine inhibits ice formation. This speeds up the deicing process and reduces the need for deicing materials once the storm hits.
Here’s a rundown of the modular options that are available on Buyers standard systems:
Application Rate Control
The rate at which brine is dispensed, proper application rate control leads to improved surface coverage and efficient use of brine. Buyers offers two different ways to manage application rate:
Manual: The application rate is controlled directly by the operator. The brine’s flow rate must be manually adjusted to compensate for vehicle speed and needed output.
Automatic: When a flow meter is paired with a ground speed sensor and the appropriate controller, a brine system can automatically adjust its application rate based on the vehicle’s speed. Automatic systems give precise control over brine out, meaning better coverage and less wasted liquid.
System Drive (Hydraulic/Gas/Electric)
Hydraulic: Buyers hydraulic anti-ice systems are powered by a truck’s existing hydraulic system and have an oil requirement of 4-11 gallons per minute (GPM). Hydraulic systems can pump out up to 235 GPM of brine to cover large areas at high speeds. Hydraulic systems are ideal for multi-lane applications.
Gas: Powered by dependable Honda® motors, gas systems are available with 185 GPM or 25 GPM pumps. Gas drive is a versatile option for a wide range of applications and jobs, and is available in both single and multi-lane configurations.
Electric: Electric-powered pump systems are ideal for lower volume operations. The quiet systems can spray a single lane at up to 6 GPM and are hitch-mounted for easy removal when not in use. Electric systems are ideal for those just entering the anti-ice realm.
Tanks, Spray Bars, and More
Tanks: Buyers Anti-Ice Systems all use high density UV-stabilized polyethylene tanks that resist corrosion and leaks. Standard tanks range in capacity from 210 to 1750 gal, with other sizes available on custom request. 1065+ gal systems feature integrated baffling to suppress sloshing and reduce undue vehicle wear.
Spray Bars: Spray bars come in both 1 lane PVC and 3 lane stainless steel models to support single or multi-lane applications. All Buyers spray bars feature adjustable clip-on spray nozzles that can be angled for optimal coverage and easily removed for painless cleaning and maintenance.
Accessories: Buyers offers a hose reel with a spray gun attachment to make it easier to treat sidewalks, steps, and hard to reach areas. A three-way loading valve is also available; it makes tank fill-ups easier by using the bottom output port rather than the top manhole.
Various controllers are also available. Check the individual systems’ product pages for more information on which controllers work for each model.
A full line of hydraulic components and lights are also available to complete any upfitting job.
Download a Brochure
New Anti-Ice Systems Brochure in an Adobe PDF format features product specs, controllers and accessories.
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